Game Day at AJFC

Game day at Abbotsford Juniors Football Club is all about playing football. All the information you need to be fully prepared for your game can be found here. While Winter and Summer competitions may differ in team composition, field size and rules, other requirements such as registration and competition management for Football Canterbury Association non-competitive and competition leagues remain consistent.

Dribl Competition Management System

Football Canterbury Competition Management

Coaches, managers, players and spectators can access information via the Dribl App about Association games schedules, results and competition ladders for AJFC teams.

Click here to access the AJFC Game Day Pitch Setup Schedule
Game Day Pitch Setup Schedule

Each week Abbotsford Juniors teams are scheduled on field setup (first game on a field) and pack-up (last game on a field). The AJFC pitch setup and pack-up schedule can be accessed here.

AJFC Mini-Roos Football - Game Day Information
Mini-Roos Game Schedule Information

Abbotsford Juniors Under 6 and Under 7 teams play Saturday morning round-robin non-competitive games. Schedules for games along with other game day information can accessed here.

AJFC Home Fields

Click here to find AJFC Home Field Maps for Campbell Park and Lysaght Park

Field maps for all our small-sided, mini, half and full sized fields and pitch configurations at Campbell Park and Lysaght Park can be found here.

Wet Weather Impact To Games

Game Day and Wet Weather Impacts
City of Canada Bay Council Fields Wet Weather Status

Wet weather can cause fields to be closed by Clubs and/or local Councils when they determine the field to be usable. Games may be moved by the Association to another suitable field or a different location at short notice.

Whilst Council websites provide a reasonable guide to field availability, non-competitive and competition teams must ensure they use the Football Canterbury Competition Management – Dribl App as their final guide as to whether their game is on or not.

If a game is marked as “Pending”, the team should assume that the game will proceed as scheduled. A game is only called off if it’s status is updated in Dribl to “Washout Rescheduled” or “Washout Cancelled”. A failure by a team to show when a game is “Pending” during wet weather is deemed a forfeit.

Non-Competitive (Under 8 to Under 12 Team) Information

Non-Comp Team Checklist

The downloadable AJFC Non-Competitive team’s game day checklist is designed for Team Managers and Coaches.

It covers all game day responsibilities including pre and post game activities to be done to successfully complete a game.

Click here to access Football Canterbury Association rules for Mini-Roos and Small Sided Football
Small Sided Rules for Game Leaders

Abbotsford Juniors Football Club non-competitive matches for Under 8 to Under 12 teams (Mixed and Girls) are played and led by Game Leaders under a custom set of rules created by the Football Canterbury Association.

A copy of the current rules can be downloaded from the Football Canterbury Association website.

Game Leader Payments

AJFC Game Leaders who lead non-competition games are paid in cash at our home grounds.

Information about Game Leader payments and the Club’s reimbursement policy can be found here.

Competition (Under 13 and Over Team) Information

Competition Team Checklist

The downloadable AJFC Competition team’s game day checklist is designed for Team Managers and Coaches.

It covers all game day responsibilities including pre and post game activities to complete a game.

Click here to access information about AJFC Game Leader Payments
Referees and Match Officials

The Canterbury Referees Association appoints match officials to competition games and pays them using Dribl.

If a match official is not present, agree a person to act as referee with the opposition team and record their name in the match sheet.

Click here to download the Football Canterbury Association Rules of Association
Football Canterbury Rules of Association

The Rules of Association govern the conduct of all football competitions and matches within the Association.

A copy of the current rules can be viewed and downloaded from the Football Canterbury Association website.

Team, Parent and Spectator Behaviour

Abbotsford Juniors Football Club is committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for its members and visitors, whenever and wherever we play our football. Club members accept and agree to be bound by the AJFC Codes of Conduct when they register.

Team coaches and managers should ensure that a Ground Official is present for matches played at AJFC home fields.

Team members and their associates whether friends or family, players or spectators are responsible for their behaviour when attending a match or event whether at home or away at another Club’s fields. AJFC will not tolerate abusive, threatening or other inappropriate behaviour and may add additional penalties or sanctions to any suspension or sanction made by the Football Canterbury Association.

If you witness or see something of concern on game day report it to a Ground Official or Club Official at the field or you can lodge an Incident Report with the Club after the game or event.

Congratulate the opposing team no matter what the game score.

Reporting an Injury

Click here to report an Injury occurrence at a game or training event
Reporting an Injury

Injuries are a fact of life in football. Whether in games or training, players are often injured and sometimes it is not known if it is serious until well after the event.

Whatever the injury, it is important that a team official (coach or team manager) report the injury through the Club’s online form as soon as possible.

Insurance claims are only possible by a players if this step is completed. Time limits do apply and members should familiarise themselves with Football NSW’s Insurance provider’s terms and conditions.

Association Rules and Regulations

Players, coaches and managers who receive cards during a match may receive a penalty imposed by the Football Canterbury Association Judiciary. There are rules and processes the Judiciary, Clubs and their members including Abbotsford Juniors Football Club, must follow. These are outlined in the Football Canterbury Judiciary Appeals Regulations document which can be found in the online Football Canterbury Association – Resources Section.

The AJFC Disciplinary Committee works in conjunction with the Association and considers what if any action, including the imposition of additional Club sanctions or penalties, might be imposed upon a member who transgresses against the Club’s Code of Conduct and/or Association Rules and Regulations.

Association Fines and Penalties