The Game Leader Code of Conduct applies to all players who register with Abbotsford Juniors Football Club. In registering as a Game Leader with Abbotsford Junior Football Club (“the Club”), I agree to comply with the Game Leader Code of Conduct.
Game Leader Behaviour
As a Game Leader with Abbotsford Juniors Football Club I agree to:
- Be honest and completely impartial at all times
- Apply the Laws of the Game and the competition rules of the Football Canterbury Association fairly and consistently
- Manage the game in a positive, calm and confident manner
- Communicate with the players and team officials to encourage fair play
- Deal with all instances of violence, aggression, unsporting behaviour, foul play and other misconduct on the field of play
- Report offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour from players and team officials
- Not arrive at the field intoxicated or under the influence of illicit substances
- Always act in accordance with the Club’s Core Values
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the game regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion
Breach of this Code of Conduct
I understand that any breach of the Game Leader Code of Conduct may result in sanctions being imposed upon me by Abbotsford Junior Football Club. At the discretion of the Club, these may include:
- A verbal or written warning
- Removal from the technical area and/or from the field or stadium
- Cancellation of your registration with the Club
- Loss of membership of the Club